onsdag, mars 31, 2010


collaboration mellan mig och Ebba, de kan vara så att den ser hemskt saturerad ut på din skärm för min laptop skärm är rätt dålig på färger har jag just märk. om ni vill kika in original skissen ebba gjorde kolla in! :D hon har massa häftiga saker på sin blogg go go check her out!

måndag, mars 29, 2010

torsdag, mars 25, 2010


and it's all lies...

söndag, mars 21, 2010


Speedpainting 20 min st.

lördag, mars 06, 2010

The Unfortunate Mr. Chip

Mr. Christopher Chip, is 31 years old. Prematurely balding. And enjoys Ice-cream, peanut-butter and long walks on the beach. His life has just taken a turn for the worse and he has lost a lot of blood. But on a lighter note, he is hallucinating about orange fishes. That could be, but isn't, koifish. he also got a new eye-patch...'cus the hole in his head really freaked people out.

tisdag, mars 02, 2010

Random avbrott